So, maybe you've noticed a cause that is near and dear to my heart. It's blinking at you over on the right side of my blog. April is Autism Awareness month. As a momma who lives with this every day, I am taking a minute of your time to
stand on my soap box make you just a little bit more aware.
Autism affects every 1 in 150 children. It is one of the most confusing conditions. It varies so much from person to person. Even with 2 of my boys having the same diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome, they are so different.
Shane |
Heath |
I didn't have some of the problems that other mother's have had to deal with. My heart aches for the families of the children who can't seem to be reached, and exist in their own world. Please remember, when their child is in full melt down and they can't be controlled, they are not spoiled children throwing a fit!
Please offer to help and don't judge them. You have no idea how hard it is for that mother to make a trip to the grocery store, or anywhere else for that matter. They live in fear that they are being judged by people who just don't understand.
I don't post this for sympathy, I don't need any. This is just life as we know it in our house. We have been very blessed to have these boys in our home. I will admit that there were a lot of tears when the diagnosis was first made. But now I see just how precious this gift is. Chances are that you know someone who is facing this challenge right now. Please educate yourself and don't be afraid of these wonderful individuals!
All of us! |
In honor of these precious souls, I am posting this on both the family and the craft blog.
Party on peeps!